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How to Use A Reflector on a Cloudy Day

We're Amy & Jordan
We're here to help you take amazing photos, build a successful business and live a beautiful life. We're high school sweethearts, parents of three and teachers at heart. 
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We live in Arizona, the desert, home to snakes and scorpions, mountains and valleys, dirt and dust, cacti, open skies, and lots and lots of sunshine. Needless to say, we rarely have to reschedule sessions due to weather. The natural sunlight is as consistent as anywhere in the world. The light asphalt in the city and light gravel in the desert provide plenty of natural reflectors to fill pretty light into our subjects’ faces. We rarely, if ever, see a cloudy day for an entire day, which means most of the time we don’t need to use artificial reflectors to bounce light to fill the shadows on our clients’ faces.

But even though we don’t need to use a reflector all the time, we always have it handy for those occasional cloudy days, and it’s a life-saver! For photographers in more precipitous parts of the country, it’s a must-have in our book. We did an anniversary session for this adorable couple in Nashville last week while in town to shoot this cute couple’s wedding, and on the day of the anniversary session, the clouds were in full force and had formed a veil over the sun. We actually love this kind of light! Even though it prevents us from using backlighting the way we like to, it’s an awesome opportunity to face our clients any direction we want since the light is soft everywhere, so it makes any location a lot more fun and versatile!

When we were photographing them at a distance, like in this example below, it wasn’t necessary to use any type of reflector to fill the shadows on their faces, because a) they’re so far away that we couldn’t use a reflector without being in the shot, and b) their faces are such a small part of the overall frame that it doesn’t make a noticeable difference.

However, as we got closer to our subjects to shoot tighter angles and even head shots, you’ll notice in the example below, which is straight out of camera (SOOC), that our subjects have shadows under their eyes and nose, and even on the broad side of their face, especially Ryan’s right cheek.

So, since it was a cloudy day, we busted out our Wescott 46-inch reflector and opened it up to the silver-gold side. It comes with gold, silver, silver-gold, and white, and we prefer silver-gold the most because, like Goldilocks:

a) gold is too warm

b) silver is too cold

c) and silver-gold is juussst right!

Here’s how we used the reflector to bounce beautiful light onto our subjects’ faces to get our photos as close to perfect in camera as possible:

How to Use a Reflector_0001

1. Jordan took the reflector and stood at a 45-degree angle from our client, since Amy was shooting them straight on.

2. He held the reflector open to the sky, almost flat, at just a slight angle to bounce the light from the sky back into their faces.

3. Magic happened.

Again, here’s the SOOC version of this shot on the left and the SOOC version with the reflector on the right with THE EXACT SAME SETTINGS!:

How to Use a Reflector_0002

What?! How crazy is that?! The camera settings are exactly the same, but adding that little bounce of light goes a looong way!

Also, here’s the final edit on the far right of the photo so you can see all three. No reflector SOOC (left), with reflector SOOC (middle), and with reflector final edit (right):

How to Use a Reflector_0003

So, if you have an assistant, second shooter, or someone who doesn’t mind helping out at your next shoot on a cloudy day, use a reflector for up-close shots to add that little bit of polish to your in-camera work!

We’re so proud of our shooting and editing course students all across the world! They’re shooting better, editing faster and serving their clients better than ever before!

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Amy & Jordan

We're high school sweethearts who had no formal training in photography, but went from being elementary school teachers to making six figures as full-time photographers. We're teachers at heart (with over 30,000 online course students) and are here to help YOU take amazing photos, build a thriving business and live a beautiful life. As parents to three littles, we're all about making every minute count and love to share what we're learning along the way. We're so glad you're here!

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meet us

Amy & Jordan

We're high school sweethearts who had no formal training in photography, but went from being elementary school teachers to making six figures as full-time photographers. We're teachers at heart (with over 30,000 online course students) and are here to help YOU take amazing photos, build a thriving business and live a beautiful life. As parents to three littles, we're all about making every minute count and love to share what we're learning along the way. We're so glad you're here!

Hey friend! we're

meet us

Amy & Jordan

We're high school sweethearts who had no formal training in photography, but went from being elementary school teachers to making six figures as full-time photographers. We're teachers at heart (with over 30,000 online course students) and are here to help YOU take amazing photos, build a thriving business and live a beautiful life. As parents to three littles, we're all about making every minute count and love to share what we're learning along the way. We're so glad you're here!

Hey friend! we're

meet us

Amy & Jordan

We're high school sweethearts who had no formal training in photography, but went from being elementary school teachers to making six figures as full-time photographers. We're teachers at heart (with over 30,000 online course students) and are here to help YOU take amazing photos, build a thriving business and live a beautiful life. As parents to three littles, we're all about making every minute count and love to share what we're learning along the way. We're so glad you're here!

Hey friend! we're

meet us

Amy & Jordan

We're high school sweethearts who had no formal training in photography, but went from being elementary school teachers to making six figures as full-time photographers. We're teachers at heart (with over 30,000 online course students) and are here to help YOU take amazing photos, build a thriving business and live a beautiful life. As parents to three littles, we're all about making every minute count and love to share what we're learning along the way. We're so glad you're here!

Hey friend! we're

meet us

Amy & Jordan

We're high school sweethearts who had no formal training in photography, but went from being elementary school teachers to making six figures as full-time photographers. We're teachers at heart (with over 30,000 online course students) and are here to help YOU take amazing photos, build a thriving business and live a beautiful life. As parents to three littles, we're all about making every minute count and love to share what we're learning along the way. We're so glad you're here!

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don't miss it!

In this FREE online class, we'll show you three major photo mistakes (and how to fix them) so you can take beautiful photos with whatever camera you have! No prior experience required!

your teachers, amy & Jordan


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Let's connect on Instagram! Click here to find Amy on Instagram and follow along!


don't miss it!

In this FREE online class, we'll show you three major photo mistakes (and how to easily fix them) so you can take beautiful photos with whatever camera you have! No prior experience required! 

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free class!

Don't take another photo without learning the most common photo mistakes most people make (and how to fix them fast!) Get our secrets for amazing pics no matter what camera you have in this online photography training for FREE! No experience required!